

2021年是牛年,一说起牛,脑海中首先想到的单词就是cow,那牛年的英语是cow year吗?这样说,可能会把老外吓呆呀。




英语中“牛”对应的单词有好几个,比如大家熟悉的cow, bull, ox, buffalo. 

“牛年”英语一般翻译为the year of the ox.




Charlie Shifflett这样解释:


    “Westerners respect the ox for its strength and hardworking spirit. However, bulls are generally viewed negatively, thanks to their aggressive nature. Cows are considered the “cutest of the three”. In fact, in the US, people often decorate their homes with pictures of cows. The animal is associated with the comfort and quiet of a country home.”


    “西方人对牛ox是很敬重的,因为它的强健和勤劳!不过,bull这个词一般就有些否定的意义在里面,如“盛气凌人”,但也要“归功”于它们的“积 极进取的”的个性。而奶牛cow被视为三个中最可爱的、最讨人喜欢的一个。事实上,在美国,人们常用奶牛图片来装饰屋子,她们总是和宁静舒适的乡村生活联 系在一起。”


现在,“我属牛, 你属什么?”用英语怎么说大家都学会了吧。


I was born in the year of the ox, and how about you?


have a cow 大发雷霆

have a cow可不是有一头牛的意思,它是指人对某事感到非常的不安,继而生气、发火。生活中我们常听到有人说don't have a cow,意思是叫对方别生气。


I'll pay for the damage. Don't have a cow!



a cash cow 摇钱树

你知道原来“a cash cow”不是一只现金奶牛?A cash cow形容某人或某物可以像牛那样源源不断地产奶,不停地带来收入。可以指人,也可指企业中的盈利部门。


Mr. Wilson turned out to be the cash cow we needed to start our repertoire company.



a bull in a china shop 冒失鬼;笨手笨脚到处闯祸之人

如果将一头公牛放在瓷器店里,你能想象到是什么样的吗?说不定是横冲直撞,把瓷器砸得东倒西歪。这里的“china”说的瓷器。A bull in a china shop就是用来指那些冒冒失失的人,说话或做事欠考虑,往往会让人感到不安或损坏东西。


My son can be a bit of a bull in a china shop, so I'm worried about taking him to the museum. Surrounding him with valuables does not seem like a wise idea!



John Bull 英国人

John Bull翻译成约翰牛,特指典型的英国人。就像在英语Uncle Sam(中山姆大叔)指美国人一样。最早出自苏格兰作家John Arbuthot于1727年出版的讽刺小说《约翰牛的生平》中, 书中所描述的约翰牛就是英国人的拟人形象。



牛脾气  as stubborn as a mule


吹牛  talk horse


食量大如牛  to eat like a horse


九牛一毛  a drop in the bucket


初生牛犊不怕虎  fools rush in where angels fear to tread


健壮如牛 as strong as a horse